Council of International Studies (CIS)
"Council of International Studies" from 2007, is an educational information network in the RA with the help of which it’s possible to connect with any educational institution in the world in order to study, continue the education or be trained. Council of International Studies is also an informational network for those who intend to have a long or short term internship in any country. Through Council of International Studies it is possible to learn about different programs, such as:
These camps of 2 week to 8 week duration are held for people of the following ages: 8-12, 12-15, 15-17, 17 + and 50 +. Each camp has its own program/schedule and its period of certain duration. The camp programs/schedules mainly include language courses (for example, English in England, French in France, etc.) in the morning (3-6 hours daily) and entertainment activity programs after classes (sport, cultural, intellectual etc.). In all the seasons of the year hundreds of youngsters nearly from all the countries of the world joining such camps form groups of 10-15 people and enjoy their program. Joining such camps the applicants also have the opportunity to choose the place of their dwelling that can be a dormitory, local family, hotel, a separate flat or just camp dormitory. The aim of this camp is to improve the language skills in a very short time, get to know foreign cultures and get new friends.
Everyone willing to learn/improve any foreign language abroad (English-in England, Italian-in Italy, etc.) can attend courses of 2-52 week duration in his/her desired country at his/her preferred institution. The applicant before the beginning of the classes takes a language placement test according to which he/she is preceded to the class of the given level. Generally there are 7-15 students in a class from different countries of the world. These educational institutions usually have also such classes, where the given foreign language is learnt according to the student’s professional field, e.g. for the employees in the medical field-Medical Spanish/English, for those in the business field- Business English/Italian etc. After learning any foreign language one needs to take a qualification exam (TOEFL, IELTS, DELF, DSH, DELE etc.). These educational institutions offer also preparation programs for these exams. For the participation in the professional or exam preparation course the applicant is required to have Intermediate or Upper Intermediate language level. The participants of the above mentioned course also have the opportunity to choose the place of their dwelling that can be a dormitory, local family, hotel, a separate flat or just camp dormitory.
Այս ծրագրերը ավելի հայտնի են որպես սերտիֆիկացման կուրսեր անվանմամբ, որոնք նախատեսված են այն անձանց համար ովքեր ցանկություն ունեն կարճ ժամանակահատվածում ուսումնասիրելու կամ կատարելագործվելու այն մասնագիտությամբ, որով իրենք ցանկանում են զբաղվել կամ արդեն զբաղվում են: Այս ծրագրերը ըստ կրթական հաստատության ծրագրերի կարող են տևել 2 ամսից մինչև 2 տարի, իսկ ավարտելիս ավարտողին տրվում է վկայական:
After finishing secondary school anyone has a right to apply to his/her preferred educational institution for his/her preferred specialization to get Bachelor's degree. According to the specialization and the educational programs of the given country Bachelor's degree education generally lasts 3-7 years. Each educational institution has its certain admission requirements and most of them generally require only secondary education certificate and language knowledge certificate (IELTS, DELF, DSH etc. depending on the language of the educational program).
After completing the studies of Bachelor’s degree usually one needs to get Master’s Degree, which, depending on the educational system of the given country, can last 1-3 years. In order to apply for the Master’s degree education the applicant must have Bachelor’s degree, and certain educational institutions also require corresponding work experience in the given field.
In order to apply for the PhD degree education the applicant must have Master’s degree, and during the educational process the student is engaged exactly in the scientific work, and after its successful completion he/she gets scientific degree.
The Council is in direct connection with almost all the educational institutions in the world and constitutes the representative part of most of them in the RA. The working spheres of the council are:
Council of International Studies always takes part in round-ups/ seminars/meetings held in international arena the greater part of the participants are the heads or their representatives of almost all the educational organizations. During such meetings the innovations connected with education, problems, educational programs of great demand, and the upcoming educational events are presented. In such meetings Council of International Studies participates as a representative of the given educational institutions and handles their elucidation.
In the frame of the above mentioned events Council of International Studies regularly organizes different meetings and seminars among students during which the current and upcoming programs are presented through which it’s possible to raise one’s own educational degree or to find an adequate professional work.
Thousands of existing scholarship programs are provisioned to help students with certain characteristics to realize their educational wish. So Council of International Studies helps students to be informed about such funds.
Alongside with the study at educational institutions there is a great necessity of the practical application of the gained skills and knowledge in the working environment. Thus Council of International Studies helps students alongside with their studies to have a free/paid internship for a certain period at world leading organizations.
After choosing an educational program in any country one needs assistance for the program and VISA documentation processing. Council of International Studies has its special staff to handle these problems.